Why should you have a beauty/skincare routine even while in Quarantine?

March 2, 2021

It’s been a year now that the world has been introduced to the big ol’ C - Let’s not name it and pretend it doesn’t exist for a second. Ahh feels good right? Okay back to reality.

Since then most of us have seen their entire life slowed down. The biggest impact on people’s lives is that we are required to stay at home as much as possible. Which had us all rethink our routines. So yeah the world is on a break at the moment but it doesn’t mean you have to put your skincare and beauty routine on a break as well.

As much as the situation has us prioritize what’s necessary and slow down on what’s not, we shouldn’t put pampering ourselves and putting some makeup here and there at the end of our to-do list to survive these difficult times.

Yay no more boob jail (also known as bras) but what about your beauty routine? Is staying at home and not having to get ready really a good thing? Is staying all day in our PJs with a messy bun and no make-up the best way to go through this Pandemic?

I don’t think so.

Indeed having a beauty/make-up routine isn’t just about vanity. It’s more than that and we’re here to talk about it !

Being at home shouldn’t mean not getting yourself ready for the day. The day is going to get by nonetheless.

A skincare routine isn’t just about vanity, actually I would go as far as arguing the opposite. A beauty routine is about adding a structure to our new indoors lifestyle. It’s about following a discipline and getting in a mind space of taking back your power and not incur the consequences of working from home. And most importantly it’s about listening and showing up for your skin. Who’s with me?

A beauty, skincare or make-up routine isn’t about how other perceive you. First of all having such rituals helps to amplify whatever features that make you unique - and therefore beautiful - and by doing so, will help boost your self-confidence. Indeed we aren’t talking about changing faces or wearing so many layers of make-up to look like someone else. We’re just saying to not forget about yourself, that gorgeous person you already are. So keep it simple !

Let’s sum up the main reason why you should still follow a skincare/beauty routine during Quarantine :

"It’s more than ever important to not forget about ourselves : your pamper time is a form of self-care which matters and helps boost confidence."

You don’t know where to start to follow the right skincare steps? We got you! Here’s a minimalist skincare and makeup routine - Quarantine Edition

  • Step 1: Clean your face using the facial brush in our current beauty box
  • Step 2: Tone it with your favorite toner
  • Step 3: Apply your daily Eye and Face cream
  • Step 4: Wear a SPF30 for your daily walk
  • Step 5: Put on your favorite lipstick that makes you feel confidence under any circumstances

Let’s put it that way: you know that feeling you have when you first put on a pair of jeans that make your booty sit right? That moment when you look in the mirror and go “damn I didn’t know I had all of that?”

Well the right beauty product and routine will have the same effect on you. It’s all about what you already are and have ! We’re just here to show you which are the best products and action steps that will allow you to see that.

Why throw all of that away just because you can’t go outside as much as before?

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